Paper Cutlery


Paper Cutlery

Biodegradable disposable cutlery is made from materials that can be broken down naturally by microorganisms. These materials include cornstarch, bamboo, and sugarcane fiber. Unlike traditional plastic cutlery, paper cutlery does not harm the environment because it can decompose quickly.

VegwarePaper Fork 6.2"

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VegwarePaper Knife 6.2"

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VegwarePaper Spoon 6.2"

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VegwarePaper Teaspoons 4.5"

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VegwarePaper Ice Cream Spoon 9cm - 3.5"

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  • Available in 5-7 days

VegwareTutti Frutti Paper Ice Cream Spoons 3.5" - 9cm

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What are the benefits of paper cutlery?

Environmentally Friendly

The biggest benefit of paper disposable cutlery is that it is environmentally friendly. Biodegradable cutlery deteriorates much faster and does not release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.


Paper disposable cutlery is a sustainable option because it is made from renewable resources. For example, cornstarch is a renewable resource that can be grown and harvested every year. This means that paper cutlery does not contribute to deforestation or other environmental issues.

With more people choosing eco-friendly options, we can create a positive impact on the environment and move towards a more sustainable future. In short, paper disposable cutlery is a small change that can make a big difference in protecting our environment, and it is time to make the switch.